So, why the sudden push to blog again??? I get the occasional email from people, some affected by JS, others just random passer byers....but they all tell me what an inspirational story I am telling and how Haley gives them hope. With every email, I get the spark to write again, but it never ignites. Some regular readers tell me that they miss reading about whats happening in our lives and with Haley. Some tell me I need this creative outlet to cope with the stress of having a special needs child and just plain ol' everyday life. But the biggest reason is that I want to be able to look back and remember the little things. Of course you always look back with a vague remembrance of random events, but I want to have a vivid memory of how those things happened and how I felt in that moment. I gave up on keeping a baby book pretty early in Haley's life. It was depressing to not fill in the blanks for "first time rolling over", "first word", "first steps", etc. That, and the fact that in this tech age, its easier to type than hand write.
With all of that said, I am going to try to get back into the swing of blogging....if only short blurbs of "a day in the life of" Haley. I'm also going to try to go back in time and document the events that I have, unfortunately, left undocumented. I'm (re) committing myself in doing this for Haley and our family, for my regular readers, and for those who stumble across this blog when searching for information on JS. What I ask of you, my readers, is to keep me accountable. Email me, call me, tweet me, facebook whatever you need/can do to spur me on. Like someone recently told me "how time consuming can blogging really be, just sit down and do it!"

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